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Dissertation Chapter - Introduction

During the defense procedure, members of committee usually take a very close look at an introductory chapter in the dissertation. Some researchers state that it is preferable to compose this paragraph in the very end, when the whole dissertation is ready. Many students do not know how to start writing introduction because they have not managed to carry out research, collect data, etc. In any case, to create a powerful introduction, please have a look at suggestions below. 

You will surely find different formulae to construct a good introduction on the web. However, the key rule is to understand the issue background and context as deep as possible. You have to provide answers to Wh- questions and state the purpose of the study. 

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While working on your introductory paragraph, take into account the following questions: 

  • What is the research problem?
  • Why it should be researched and analyzed?
  • What is your research hypothesis (or hypotheses if you explore the issue in multiple contexts?)
  • Why is your research necessary?
  • What are the possible benefits of your investigation?
  • What personal contribution will you make?
  • How you are going to investigate the matter (e.g., carry out research, collect data, systematize, analyze, etc.).
  • Briefly introduce the research methods (e.g., you used mostly qualitative approach during the research procedure).
  • Briefly explain limitations of the study. 

Do not forget that your introduction should include dissertation objectives. Moreover, always remember that introduction is a brief paragraph in its nature. You have to be rather laconic and present the context of the issue in a very clear manner. Avoid unnecessary details that will make reader bored. You have to include some history and background of research question you are about to explore. 

Always use only academic formal language in the whole dissertation. In addition, do not present a bunch of citations in introduction because you should incorporate a small summary of the study, not its analysis. Moreover, you can explain what the future chapters will analyze in the end of your introduction.

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