"Results" Chapter in Dissertation Writing
The main body of dissertation writing consists of various chapters, one of which is “Results.” Students always find it difficult to organize the collected data around one organizational pattern and present results in a clear manner.
In this chapter, the primary purpose of writing is to present the components of your study. For this reason, you must introduce a statistical analysis and revelations that came across; investigate possible assumptions that relate directly to the findings; report on the results that clearly support the suggested hypothesis or partially support it, etc. As you can see, one should be proficient with statistical analysis because interpreting results is the major aim in this section.
Requirements for composing "Results" section differ much in educational establishments. However, in many cases, students will have to deal with:
Data Management
- You will have to work either with Excel of SPSS. If your research supervisor asked you to transfer the data from Excel to SPSS, you will have to label variables and their levels (for example, female=1, male=2). While dealing with the data, you will have to screen all variable, interpret missing values, outline normality, evaluate the linearity, etc.
Statistical Analysis
- Statistical analysis can be represented in many forms. In most cases, you will have to report on the demographic variable and present them in the beginning of the chapter. Present the actual results, possible deviations and frequencies. Then you will have to restate your research hypothesis and present appropriate statistical back-up in support of your claims.
- Always present a logical layout of your results. You are to provide some categories and their subdivision, so that the reader will be able to clearly contemplate your results. Present tables, charts, diagrams according to the assigned citation style. All your tables and other visuals should include a name and their description. Remember that it is not the section to introduce your logical analysis and interpretation. In this section, your reader strives to find all findings collected during the research procedure.
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Understanding Your Results
- It is extremely important to include the data you can explain. In other words, you should be able to explain statistics and where do these figures come from. For sure, you are not a statistician, but you must be able to analyze every number you present in this chapter. Take a close look at your findings and check if you properly understand the essence of every number.
Presentation of Results
Always consult with your scientific advisor about an organizational pattern to be used while presenting results. The most commonly used APA style present samples to properly formulate the results with some changes in the sixth edition (a specific manner of creating regression tables with confidence intervals). Check the peculiarities of creating appendices in the citation style advised by your supervisor.
- Do not forget about editing of your "Results" section. Even if you present mostly figures, you will still have to check the grammar and style of the presented ideas.
- While working with the qualitative data, you can use such statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS, AMOS, M-Plus, NVIVO, Excel, etc.
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