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Guidelines for Composing a Good Dissertation Chapter

When it comes to dissertation writing, an abstract is a short summary of the whole paper that provides an insight into further discussion. The writer should explore the research study and give a hint about a possible conclusion. The purpose of constructing an abstract is to explain the general concepts and ideas to be explored in the paper. A writer should use some writing techniques to grab readers’ attention and make him/her interested to read the paper further, especially such an extensive one.

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Possible Structure and Length

Please check your professor’s instructions for the detailed information about how long your paper should be and what sections it should include. According to modern writing standards, a typical abstract should include 150-200 words (in small papers) and approximately 300-350 words (in dissertations). Moreover, any dissertation abstract should give a hint about the paper structure. For example, if you have six chapters in your dissertation, an abstract should include respective six sentences discussing each chapter.

State the Research Question

Do not forget to mention the research question in your abstract. The reader should get a clear understanding of what was researched, analyzed, and discussed. Formulating the research question is the primary basis of the whole work, and you should not underestimate its importance. Include your research question in the beginning of your abstract, so that the reader will understand your proceeding analysis.


Usually students forget to summarize their results in abstracts. Do not forget to dedicate 2-3 sentences to the results evaluation. However, do not think that you will be able to discuss all your findings in a small abstract. Your task is to mention several research methods and how you arrived at a certain conclusion. You should back up your claims by presenting relevant points from “Results” section.

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