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What is the biotic community? How does Leopold's Darwinian understanding of ecology inform his conception of a community?
Biotic community refers to the collection of diverse populations, which reside in one area. These communities interact with one another in diverse ways, which include territory community, forest and pasture community. It is fundamental to note that modern studies have taken a different perception on the animals and plants as being a separate cluster of biotic community consequently studied separately (Leopold & Charles, 28). It is imperative to no6te that, the biotic community is largely categorized into two large classes, which include animals and microbes. It is notable that the biotic community is largely subjugated by one of the two characters. The character normally determines the scenery of community.
It is notable that the population remains inseparable since the populations are mutually dependable for survival and existence. However, it should be noted that, the numerous populations forming the biotic community might necessarily have a common ancestral origin.
Aldo Leopold is considered as true champion of wildlife conservation in America (Leopold & Charles, 29). Leopold’s understanding of science in relation to the biotic community prompted vigorous persuasion of the people to learn and appreciate the basic ethics related to the populations, land, health and above all the interrelationships amongst the players that form the ecosystem. Leopold understands in the ecological functioning prompts an immense campaign co conserves the wildlife and appreciates the populations that make up the biotic community. It is essential to note that, the fundamental aspect of promoting livelihood amongst the parties of a biotic community is the strong and organized food interrelations, which include food webs and chains.
Leopold understands that no single biotic community can exist without the merged interrelation with all the players in ecology. This is why Leopold asserts, that wildlife and the environment at large should be conserved such that to enhance the survival and continuity of the ecosystems and a balanced biotic community (Leopold & Charles, 45). Leopold believes that a community is destined to benefit from each player forming such community. The same way there is a progression dependency in the ecosystems, it is reciprocated in a society of people. Leopold believes that, all the members of a society should interrelate and interwove to enhance clear-cut progression intended for survival and generational existence.
What is an ethic, on his view? Why should we extend ethics to include the land? Is he a holist or an individualist about ethics, or something in between?
Leopold defines ethic as the mode of guidance for meeting ecological circumstances, which might be either intricate or involving in interpreting and finding solutions. In essence, ethics mean a community instinct in the existence. Leopold asserts that, all the ethics have evolved from a single foundation to a multivariate but one dimension premise. For instance, a person is a member of interdependent sections (Leopold & Charles, 57). Land ethic emerges because of extension of the ethics to the community concept, which is embroiled in the natural resources where land is part these resources. It is imperative to note that this individual is prompted by his instincts to compete earnestly for a niche in the community. The land ethic by extension enlarges the boundaries of the society to include natural resources such as plants, soils, plants and water in a collective manner. It is notable that members of a community have extirpated and altered the natural resources encrypted in land in numerous ways.
Leopold asserts that the land ethic is a fundamental instrument in taming the alteration and use of the natural resources consequently affirming the natural right of generational existence. More over the land ethic transforms the role of the early man from the conqueror of the community land to an ordinary member of the society. Leopold has depicted himself as a holistic thinker and opinion shaper (Leopold & Charles, 81). It is notable that Leopold describes man as a member of the biotic system of team due to a clear-cut interpretation of ecological pattern. It is evident that, human enterprise is not an individual endeavor; it remains an activity whose origin is founded in the strong roots of biotic interactions. This indicates that, the occupants solely determine the features of the land occupied by a certain group of people and this eliminates the aspect of individualism
What is wrong with the anthropocentric, economic conception of conservation? Why doesn't he think that works to preserve the biotic community? What is the relationship between the ecological conscience and the conservation esthetic?
Anthropocentrism refers to the situation where human features and influence is used to determine or assess the reality of the world and that makes it squarely on human being perspective. This aspect of assessment is regarded as the major cause of the conflicts in the human interaction wit the environment. It is imperative to note that majority of the modern cultures across the globe are closely embedded. Leopold believes that Anthropocentrism cannot work in preserving the biotic community because of the aspect of homocentricism, which is problematic in actualizing the environmental philosophy (Leopold & Charles, 54). This aspect is applied in drawing attention to a methodical bias in the conventional Western approach to the non-human world. This situation hinders the proper and well-projected preservation of the biotic community. The relationship between the ecological conscience and the conservation esthetic is based on the willingness to transform the thoughts linked with the ecology and the urge to conserve it. This context indicates that Leopold boldly exercised his genuine conscience to the ecological set up in appreciating and championing for the conservation of the environment.
What are our moral obligations to the community? What does it mean to be a “plain citizen” of the land?
The moral obligations of an individual to a community include respecting the other members forming the society and appreciating healthy and impartial interrelations. On the hand of natural resources, it is moral for a member of a society to use, manage and protect the available natural resources (Leopold & Charles, 32). A plain citizen refers to a member of a community who is not exhibit elements of a conqueror of natural resources. This is a member of a society who appreciates the existence of to other members and upholds the respect to the available resources, which includes land.
What is the ecological conscience and why should we adopt it? Explain the A-B split and why Leopold thinks the 'B' side represents the beginnings of an ecological conscience.
Ecological conscience refers to the willingness to transform the thoughts linked with the ecology and the urge to conserve it. This context indicates that Leopold boldly exercised his genuine conscience to the ecological set up in appreciating and championing for the conservation of the environment. This aspect should be adopted because it serves as a catalyst for conserving the natural resources willfully. In the A-B split, A does not reflect any aspect of natural desire to conserve the environment since the aspects of conquerors is exhibited, unlike B where a strong desire of plain citizen is wholly exhibited (Leopold & Charles, 29). According to Leopold, the aspect and feeling of remaining plain citizen is the beginning of ecological conscience. This is because the individuals are guided by the burning desire managing and protecting the available resources in the moist appropriate manner.
In conclusion, Leopold shares a different perspective on the use, managing and protecting the natural resources. Leopold believes that if all individuals making up of a community embraces this spirit of remaining a plain citizen will provide a level ground for all the players of the ecosystem to compete in a healthy manner for the available resources. More over, conservation of the wildlife and other natural resources will become a voluntary but spirited act fro all the members of a community.
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