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Physical Bullying

Bullying is an act of forceful intimidation or coercion of individuals due to parity in physical balance. This act may involve the use of verbal assault, physical aggression, and possible intimidation through threats that are geared towards seclusion of individuals based on the parity in gender, race, and power. The physical aggression due to differences in power usually results in a mental and physical harm to the part of the target group. This extremely negative influence causes the need for resolution of the incidences of bullying. These incidents may affect the physical and psychological instincts of the target, which result in the change in the forms of social behavior. Bullying may also result in the general feeling of seclusion especially if a person is a subject to group aggression. This problem has resulted in research for the best approach that can help alleviate the magnanimity of the act, whose findings elucidate debate on the understanding of the consequences of the physical and psychological act (Chaphill, Hasselman, & Kitchin 654)

The term ‘bullying’ came from the conventional consideration of the word as being a type of relationship between lovers. This meaning was a positive coinage of the word according to the original Dutch understanding, which was related to the intimacy between different sexes. However, later, the word acquired the meaning of sexual abuse in the context of prostitution where the bullies constrained themselves to harassing their victims based on physical parity. Eventually, the term covered any form of aggression due to parity in any ability as being a practice of bullying, whose influence has moved from the conventional social intimacy to contemporary environments, like the school and working pace. Moreover, the act of bullying has physical and psychological implications on the target that range from the loss of self-esteem to dire consequences, like death. These consequences rise the need for a kind of an effective approach, in order to shape the best route of action that will result in the alleviation of the magnanimity of the bullying incidences.

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Bullying is detrimental to the victim health, addictive to the bully, and infective to the bystanders. This fact shows that the act has a chain structure, which requires the follow up of the chain in deliberating the best solution system. The victims are people, who face the physical and mental aggression, while the bullies are the aggressors. On the other hand, the bystanders are individuals, who witness this violation act; therefore, they are also at risk of habit formation, especially if they form transitive relationships with the aggressor. This behavior causes the need for a system of redress, in order to reduce the costs geared towards rectification of the problem. In real essence, there needs to be cultivation out of preventive measures, whose cost of approach could be lower than the curative measures that might not even be solvable. The current form of approach to the problem is implemented through formal legislation that prohibits any actions geared towards inflicting physical and mental pain based on all forms of parity. This strategy implies that putting a ban on the bullying activities could help reduce the incidences of bullying since the forms of legislation could be the source of further prosecution of offenders. Moreover, effective management within institutions with evident incidences of bullying should come up with modes of guidance and counseling, in order to sensitize the society on the effects of bullying. It is critical in the creation of self-awareness, where individuals could be proactive in forming solutions to problems that lead to seclusion due to indifferences. For instance, once the society is aware of the consequences of the vice, it could be proactive in reporting incidences of bullying and championing against the vice thorough community based programs (Chapell, Casey, & De la Cruz 76).

The best form of approach to the menace should be through instilling proactivity in three categories of participants of bullying based on the victim category, the bully category, and the bystander category. In real essence, it means that the three categories of participants of the vice should be made to form automated systems of problem solution, where the victim should be at the forefront in reporting the cases of bullying before facing the consequences of the vice. It could be achieved through the creation of reliable disciplinary committees in environments where the vice is rampant. These committees should be made up of experienced and professional staff, whose mandate is to provide justice systems to the offended. It could be achieved through apprehension of the offender and consequent charge of the bully (Allison, et al. 12). This strategy would help reduce the physical and psychological aggression targeting the victim. On the other hand, formation of guidance and counseling units within institutions could help in transformation of the bully’s behavior bearing in mind that the vice is addictive. It means that the guidance and counseling units are fundamental institutions for rehabilitation of the bullies. This aim could be achieved through setting up units and employing competent counselors to deliberate on the reformation process. This step would be followed up with the formation of centers for treatment of victims, which will involve setting up a recreational facility like a hospital in close proximity to institutions that experience such vices (Smith 36). This methodology is fundamental in aiding through the recovery of the physical harm inflicted during the process of bullying. In consideration, it is geared towards reducing the number of deaths resulting from physical harm inflicted by the vice of bullying. The treatment centers could also be equipped with psychiatric centers that are vital for providence of psychological reformation systems for the victims, who need constant social and psychological support help.

The other element that is vital for alleviating the magnanimity of effects of the vice of bullying is through the formation of self-support units within families and communities, in order to instill proactivity in the society as bystanders in the category of classification of participants of vice. These support units should be charged with the responsibility of overseeing the problem through the process of rehabilitation of the aggressors of the vice. The support units should be effective and active in reporting the incidences of the vice and reaching out for the affected, in order to provide them with the best approach to the vice. For instance, the community support system should set up a social support network that could be an essential platform for reporting the cases. It is critical in conserving the confidentiality of the situation in cases of recessive victims, who are not able to come out and report cases of bullying for fear of victimization. It can also be essential in monitoring new forms of bullying like the profound cyber bullying, whose root of synthesis is implemented through the social network (Allison, et al 12).

In conclusion, the act of bullying is detrimental to the victim health, addictive to the bully, and infective to the bystanders. It is obvious that the act is hazardous to the victim; especially when physical injuries emanating from the vice may lead to death. On the other hand, the vice is addictive; therefore, it causes the need for psychological interventions to address the menace. It is achieved through guidance and counseling of the perpetrators. Consequently, the vice is perpetrated by bystanders, who are the third party people apart from the bully and victim. The bystanders could also be infected with the vice, which causes the need that they are proactive in reporting observable incidences of bullying.

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