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Amazon Rainforest


Rain forest plays a crucial role of human living. The Amazon Rainforest is called the “Lungs of the Earth” as it provides the crucial environmental service of reproducing the oxygen from carbon dioxide. More than twenty percent of the so necessary for us oxygen is generated by the forests of the Amazon river area. However, today, the tropical forests in Indonesia, Brazil and South East Asia are influenced by clearing and logging work. The efforts are made to create new roads. At times, the deforestation is for cattle ranching and farming. Houses are being erected in those new cleared places. Even silver and gold mining is initiated there. Oil examination and enhancement works are being performed in Indonesia, Brazil and South East Asia. Due to these works, the rain forest devastation is occurring at the disturbing level for the weak grounds.

Thesis: Indonesia, Brazil and South East Asia argue that their economies depend upon that industries, and devastation of this forest is economically required. Nevertheless, the deforestation of this precious source is, in fact, harming the economic well-being of rainforest nations more than it is boosting the economy as people face many new illnesses, the reduction of animal species, and the worsening of environmental conditions. Protection of these forests is not merely ecologically practical, but it is economically practical as well, and Indonesia, Brazil and South East Asia will be much better off if they stop the devastation of the forests.

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Consequences of the deforestation

Wood is the most vital and the most utilized by human beings material. With wood, humans may create paper, furniture, houses, and many more. Logging tropical woods like teak, rosewood, mahogany and other timber for furniture, charcoal, building stuff and other goods is a huge business and huge earnings. Yes, rain forests provide people with many nice products. But today, people do not really care about the rain forest. The rain forest devastation must be totally prohibited, and people should do everything possible to reduce it. Humans should be responsible consumers, and reuse, reduce, and recycle! They should never buy exotic pets, which may have been caught and shipped unlawfully from the forest, and, when purchasing furniture, buyers should always check its source of wood to realize if it was cut off without harm to the ecosystem. People also can easily buy some other goods grown in a sustainable manner.

Advocates of the forest devastation assert that people actually grow more new trees to restore those humanity has already chopped down. In fact, for each acre of forest cut down, more than 50 acres of novel trees are being evolved in the area. Yes, these new trees will delay the influences of the global warming. However, these new trees do not do enough. The canopy does not block sufficiently the sunlight, and there are extremely few flora and fauna species existing in these novel forests. Even if the deforestation is not a deciding factor of a climate alteration, and the novel trees are a very good thing, lowering the amount of species on Earth is going too far.

Science has demonstrated that many species, which have ever existed, have already extinct regardless of how people conduct. So, it is going to occur one way or the other. Yes, some species extinct due to the natural grounds. However, it is not the case of the rainforest destruction. Many animals extinct occurred due to the human activity. People are cleaning the land, exploiting trees, and animals do not have a place to live in. ”Badak bercula satu” is only one instance of animal extinct caused by the forest devastation.

Some people believe that destruction of the forest provides lots of jobs and benefits to the human beings in the area. South Americans seem to be benefiting from the deforestation. Today they have a clear land for cattle, farm, homes and roads. As far as they are concerned, it is “their” forest, and they are doing what it takes to enhance their living conditions. But the truth is that the local tribes are facing some novel illnesses with the development of the bulldozers into the lands. Furthermore, the elimination of trees may end with water pollution and soil erosion, threatening all those people who reside and work in that place. The failure of local tribes and lots of exclusive animals or plants, which exist in the places without forests also can threaten human’s capability to treat diseases. People can be taking away the future cancer medicines in the effort to create roads through the unspoiled forests. Original tribes have “doctors” with amazing knowledge of the therapeutic features of exacting flora species within these woods. As a minimum one fourth part of medicines are based on components from the tropical woods. So, how many more medicines could people make from this finite supply? People may never find out how many more drugs could be made from this restricted source if individuals continued to permit the deforestation. The tropical rainforests are crucial to be protected as they are the “globe’s major pharmacy”. More than twenty-five percent of natural medicines have been found there.


The rain forest has a vital role in human existence. If people do not start taking care of the forest, the next generations’ lives on Earth will be terrible. People have to support forest protection programs. Humans should prohibit the forest destruction.

Rainforests nowadays are vanishing at the alarming rate as a result of deforestation for the commercial aims, for instance, agriculture, logging and livestock. Indonesia, Brazil, and South East Asia argue their economies depend upon the industries, and devastation of the forest is economically required. Nevertheless, the deforestation of this precious source is, in fact, harming the economic well-being of rainforest nations more than it is boosting the economy as people face many new illnesses, the reduction of animal species, and the worsening of environmental conditions. Protection of these forests is not merely ecologically practical, but it is economically practical as well, and Indonesia, Brazil and South East Asia will be much better off if they stop the devastation of the forests.

Deforestation is certainly not a nice situation, and even the “advantages” that the world and local residents obtain are miserable in comparison to what people lose. But people think they have the right to make the decision, and now they see no other practical resolutions. To stop forest destruction and reforesting, we should suggest the local tribes something to replace their benefits from this.

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