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There exists a thought that although the British won the Seven Years’ War, they actually lost. In fact, the British won the war, but they had to cover up the huge damages. Moreover, Britain was obliged to pay for the damages, which made the country go into debt. The only way for the British to settle the debts was going after their colonies and introducing strict tax measures. Therefore, the relationship between Britain and its colonies worsened.
Marston argues that while Britain and France were deciding on what treaties to trade or give out, the colonies were organizing themselves for revolutions, for example, the American Revolution (Marston 37). The American Revolution sprang as a result of the policies introduced by the British government in order to solve the debt problem that appeared after the war. The policies were focused on the notion that the colonies had a responsibility for contributing money for running the empire. At the time of war, most colonies were already burdened by the British Empire. Therefore, additional pressure on the colonies only led to the growing schism between the colonies and Britain.
Burgan points out that the most controversial policy introduced by the British in order to pay off the debts was the Stamp Act of 1765. Both humble petitions and stronger measures such as widespread mob uprisings throughout the colonial territories of Britain welcomed the Stamp Act (Burgan 45). The mob activity, mainly violent objection to the Stamp Act policy, was a clear illustration of an uncompromising attitude of the colonies towards Britain. Because of such a hostile environment existing between Britain and its colonies, there was no room left for mending the relationship between them.
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